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In this part, we take well known groups of words and change them to words of but one part. The words as they were spake are in blue.

Quote: You ruined Winter Czmp
Changed: You wrecked Low Sun in Sky All Day Time Camp.
Ethan Rein
Quote: On the Internet, no one knows the horse is dead.
Changed: On the web, no one knows the horse is dead.
Quote: Regard your neighbors gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss.
Changed: Think of a gain for those who live near you as a gain of your own and of their loss as a loss of your own.
T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien
Quote: I got a simple rule. If you don't treat me right, shame on you.
Changed: I got a plain rule. If you don't treat me right, shame on you.
Louis Armstrong
Quote: What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man. That is the sum of the Law; all the rest is commentary.
Changed: What you hate do not do. That is the sum of the Law; all the rest is fluff.
Talmud, Shabbath 31a
Quote: Not one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.
Changed: Not one of you has seen the truth 'til he wants for all men that which he wants.
Muhammed (Oral Tradition)
Quote: Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find harmful.
Changed: Hurt no one in ways that you know would hurt were then done to you.
Udanavarga 5:18 (Buddhist Religious text)
Quote: The past should be a springboard, not a hammock.
Changed: The past is a base to build on, not a bed to sleep on.
Quote: I don't hate my enemies... after all, I made them.
Changed: I don't hate my foes... I am the one who made them thus.
Red Skelton
Quote: To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see everyday, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform.
Changed: To leave the crowd and its ways, to do things your friends might not like though you know they are right may be the act which most marks one as a great man.
Theodore H. White
Quote: I always turn to the sports pages first, which records people's accomplishments. The front page has nothing but a man's failures.
Changed: I turn to the sports page first, which tells of things Man has done well. The front page lists things which have not worked out.
Chief Justice Earl Warren
Quote: One wrecked meal is a small price to pay to show a youth you trust him.
Changed: One wrecked meal is a small price to pay to show a youth you trust him.
Big Bro
Quote: A friend will help you move a house. A best friend will help you move a body.
Changed: A friend will help you move a house. A best friend will help you move a corpse.
Alexi Sayle
Quote: You'll miss 100 percent of all shots you don't take.
Changed: You'll miss all the shots you don't take.
Wayne Gretzsky
Quote: In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life.
It goes on.

Changed: In three words I can sum up all that I've learned of life.
It goes on.
Robert Frost
Quote: Good friends are good for your health.
Changed: Good friends are good for your health.
Irwin Sarason
Quote: Wealth is something you acquire so you can share it, not keep it.
Changed: Wealth is a thing you get so you can share it, not keep it.
LaDonna Harris
Quote: The manner in which it is given is worth more than the gift.
Changed: The way in which it is made is worth more than the gift.
Pierre Corneille
Quote: The worst day of being alive is much better than the best day of being dead.
Changed: The worst day of your life will still beat the best day of your death.
Dennis Miller
Quote: We have a choice: to plow new ground or let the weeds grow.
Changed: We have a choice: to plow new ground or let the weeds grow.
Jonathan Westover
Quote: Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.
Changed: Small minds are tamed and give up when things do not go well, but great minds rise to meet these foes.
Washington Irving
Quote: Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Changed: Lots of true words are said in jest.
English Proverb
Quote: Jests that give pains are no jests.
Changed: Jests that give pains are no jests.
Miguel de Cervantes