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Guide to Shows

Here you will find two kinds of list. In one list we speak of the show and its theme. The next list will tell you the plot of each show in the set of shows so you can act as if you have seen the show when in truth you were up late hard at work on OnePartWords.Com.

List of Shows

Gilligan's Island
A three hour tour goes bad when the ship is wrecked in a storm. There are two crew and five guests, two are rich, one is smart, one is a star, and one is a good girl. The crew are led by the big one. Most of the six dump their work on the small one from the crew who is the mate.

Star Trek
Man is free to cruise through space and learn more of the all. The crew is large and comes from all parts of Earth and from some orbs which are not Earth. They are led by Kirk. His two best men are Spock, who is smart and has green blood, and Bones who knows how to heal the crew and not much else.

Three's Company
A man rooms with two girls. To hide it, they tell some the man is gay. Most see through it, but not the one who counts most.

Guide to Shows

Gilligan's Island
The first mate fouls up and foils their plans to leave the isle. The six are quite mad at him but then find that their plan would have failed and doomed that all if he had not blown it so he is brought back to grace.

Star Trek
Spock, Bones and Kirk beam down. They are caught by foes. One of the foes is a girl who falls for Kirk. They kiss. She frees the three and they win the day.

Three's Company
One or two hear things which they take to mean sex but they are wrong. They try not to let on what they know, but act like fools. At the end, all is made clear and they are friends once more.